The established alternative.

Bo Mikkelsen

Class #03

Bo Mikkelsen

Class #03
Bo Mikkelsen
went to cohort #
as a
and made
Super16 films of
Bo Mikkelsen

Hvad er at fortrække: Ensomhed, eller en misforstået kærlig hånd? Tre historier om at være menneske på godt og ondt.

Mid-term film
20 min

Hvad er at fortrække: Ensomhed, eller en misforstået kærlig hånd? Tre historier om at være menneske på godt og ondt.


“Du har alle muligheder foran dig, den eneste hindring er dig selv!” En film om forvandlingens kunst.

Final film
24 min

“Du har alle muligheder foran dig, den eneste hindring er dig selv!” En film om forvandlingens kunst.

Sover Du

En kort eksistentiel film om kærlighed og kaos.

First-year film
6 min
Sover Du

En kort eksistentiel film om kærlighed og kaos.

Sover Du
No film
Films of the same year
All films

“Nogle gange tænker jeg på, hvor jeg hører til. Hvornår er vi i familie med et andet menneske? En personlig dokumentar om instruktørens forhold til sin søster, efter han selv er blevet far.

First-year film
Class #03
13 min

“Nogle gange tænker jeg på, hvor jeg hører til. Hvornår er vi i familie med et andet menneske? En personlig dokumentar om instruktørens forhold til sin søster, efter han selv er blevet far.

Således Skete Det

Marie og hendes mor bor alene i et mørkt hus på landet. Marie bærer på en stor hemmelighed og da moderen opdager det, er Marie tvunget til at tage et valg. Mellem tro og arv.

First-year film
Class #03
13 min
Således Skete Det

Marie og hendes mor bor alene i et mørkt hus på landet. Marie bærer på en stor hemmelighed og da moderen opdager det, er Marie tvunget til at tage et valg. Mellem tro og arv.

Mellem Rum

First-year film
Class #03
6 min
Mellem Rum


Selvom Lukas kun er 10 år, skal han kæmpe for at få lov til at være barn – om end det bare er for et øjeblik…

Mid-term film
Class #03
11 min

Selvom Lukas kun er 10 år, skal han kæmpe for at få lov til at være barn – om end det bare er for et øjeblik…

Flyd Mine Tårer

Da Anna forlades af sin kæreste, Mikkel, styrter hendes verden sammen, og en række uforklarlige hændelser begynder at udfolde sig. Foruroliget prøver hun at finde ud af, hvad der ligger bag, men i stedet for at nærme sig en forklaring, synes verden omkring hende blot at opløses, indtil hun ikke længere kan kende virkelighed fra fiktion.

Mid-term film
Class #03
30 min
Flyd Mine Tårer

Da Anna forlades af sin kæreste, Mikkel, styrter hendes verden sammen, og en række uforklarlige hændelser begynder at udfolde sig. Foruroliget prøver hun at finde ud af, hvad der ligger bag, men i stedet for at nærme sig en forklaring, synes verden omkring hende blot at opløses, indtil hun ikke længere kan kende virkelighed fra fiktion.

Afdeling D

En dreng skal opereres. Mens han venter på operationen bliver han optaget af Afdeling Ds øvrige patienter og ansatte – en døende mand og en mystisk læge. Sammen med dem lærer han noget om døden. Og på mærkværdig vis finder drengen og den døende mand ud af, at de måske har mere tilfælles end først antaget.

First-year film
Class #03
15 min
Afdeling D

En dreng skal opereres. Mens han venter på operationen bliver han optaget af Afdeling Ds øvrige patienter og ansatte – en døende mand og en mystisk læge. Sammen med dem lærer han noget om døden. Og på mærkværdig vis finder drengen og den døende mand ud af, at de måske har mere tilfælles end først antaget.

Super16 movies
All movies
FOMO / Armageddon

William is convinced it is his fault that the world is coming to an end. On the planet's last day, he is faced with a dilemma; Should he spend his last hours with his family, who have chosen to celebrate his disabled sister's birthday, or should he meet up with his crush, who is impatiently waiting for him at the local beach?

Mid-term film
Class #12
12 min
FOMO / Armageddon

William is convinced it is his fault that the world is coming to an end. On the planet's last day, he is faced with a dilemma; Should he spend his last hours with his family, who have chosen to celebrate his disabled sister's birthday, or should he meet up with his crush, who is impatiently waiting for him at the local beach?

Wild Child

The film takes place in a near-future, where earth has punished all adults for not taking properly care of our planet. We follow a group of kids, left all by themselves in a trashed world, living day by day and trying to avoid the unknown future. The kids put all their fear into hating the adults, but what will happen when one of the kids starts to become one?

Mid-term film
Class #12
23 min
Wild Child

The film takes place in a near-future, where earth has punished all adults for not taking properly care of our planet. We follow a group of kids, left all by themselves in a trashed world, living day by day and trying to avoid the unknown future. The kids put all their fear into hating the adults, but what will happen when one of the kids starts to become one?


After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.

First-year film
Class #12
27 min

After the death of their father, Sigurd wants to bury the hatchet and forgive his half siblings, Astrid and Jens, for how they treated him as kids. But this does not go as planned, as Astrid and Jens do not believe they've done anything that warrants forgiveness. Sigurd feels snubbed and realizes that what he actually wants is an apology but this demand only escalates an already tense situation and before long, they start to fall into old habits, revisiting childhood traumas.

Død af grin

In this absurd dark-comedy, funerals are happy and joyful events celebrating the deceased. Ole's sister has just passed away after a long battle with cancer, which calls for the usual festivities. The only problem is Ole's deep sorrow and grief, which doesn't seem to fit the occasion.

Mid-term film
Class #12
21 min
Død af grin

In this absurd dark-comedy, funerals are happy and joyful events celebrating the deceased. Ole's sister has just passed away after a long battle with cancer, which calls for the usual festivities. The only problem is Ole's deep sorrow and grief, which doesn't seem to fit the occasion.


'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.

Mid-term film
Class #12
14 min

'Companion AI' is a new technology that allows for the implantation of relationships through a chip. Saga is anti-tech, lonely, and struggles to connect with others, as popular technology creates distance between people. When she reunites with her childhood friend Etta, whom she misses in her life, she sees an opportunity to rekindle a genuine and deep relationship. However, Etta herself has a 'companion,' making it challenging to reestablish their bond. This drives Saga on a journey where she must compromise and turn inward in the pursuit of a genuine relationship.

Et eksempel: Dem på gulvet

An example of an evening shift at a closed psychiatric ward that starts like many others. The nurse, Emma, meets to messages of sick leaves and acute patients - and the staff have to be creative to get through the shift in the best possible way. In just 20 minutes the confidence in the system will be put to a test.

First-year film
Class #12
26 min
Et eksempel: Dem på gulvet

An example of an evening shift at a closed psychiatric ward that starts like many others. The nurse, Emma, meets to messages of sick leaves and acute patients - and the staff have to be creative to get through the shift in the best possible way. In just 20 minutes the confidence in the system will be put to a test.