Always evolving.

An education run as an association.

Super16 is a community of filmmakers in Denmark. Based at Nordisk Film's studios in Valby, Super16 is run as an association of young emerging filmmakers whose skills are developed over a three-year programme. Every two years, the current members of Super16 will select a new class to continue the organisation.


Super16 focuses on developing the talent pool in the Danish film industry based on the belief that together we are stronger. The development of members is achieved through theoretical training from guest lecturers and mentors from the film industry as well as practical experience organised by the members themselves within the framework of the community.

It is prioritised to keep the process free of top management and creative restrictions to foster a brave and independent creative environment. As a result, there are no leaders or overall administration. The members run the organisation autonomously, and the operation and form of the association is entirely determined by the classes, who are replaced on a regular basis. Overall guidelines, operations and visions for the future are discussed at monthly community meetings and an annual general meeting. In addition, there are a number of sub-groups responsible for lessons, PR, study trips, website etc. while the overall financial responsibility and governance lies with the board, which consists of five selected members from the comunity.

Every year, Super16 organises public premieres of the films produced by each class, many of which have won prestigious awards in Denmark and abroad.

The story

Super16 was founded in 1999 by three idealistic filmmakers, Carsten Myllerup, Linda Krogsøe Holmberg and Jens Mikkelsen. They wanted to create a community for emerging filmmakers as an alternative to the established film school. The name refers to both the number of students at the time and the 16mm film format, which was developed in the 1920s as an economical alternative to the wider film reels.

A lot has happened since Super16's inception, and today members of the association have established themselves strongly in the Danish film industry, and have been behind several recent cinema successes and won awards at major international festivals.

In 2011, the members of Super16 class #6 decided to expand the association to include screenwriters. In the fall of the same year, class #7 started, which was the first class to replace two directors and two producers with four screenwriters.

In 2020, the members of Super16 class #11 decided to expand the organisation to 18 members, so that future classes would be an equal number of students in each programme; six directors, six producers and six screenwriters.

From 2024, Super16 has been included in the Danish Finance Act until 2027, receiving its first public subsidy since the education was established in 1999. However, the association will continue to be run as an independent film education run by the members themselves.

Support and partners

We receive support for the running of the organisation and the development of our members and productions from various organisations in the film industry. Super16 is funded by Nordisk Film, Nordisk Film Fonden as well as Producers Rights Denmark, The Danish Actors Association, Danish Writers Guild, Danish Film Directors and others. In addition, the association receives an annual public subsidy from The Danish Film Institute.


Super16 will receive a public subsidy from 2024, but in addition, the organisation survives financially on essential contributions from the film industry, various funds and members' own savings.


No. Super16 is not a state education programme and therefore not SU-eligible. The programme is run as an association and lives on contributions from funds and the film industry as well as a minor public operating subsidy. Students typically earn their income through part-time work.

Most members have a job or education on the side to make ends meet.

However, it can be a good idea to create a flexible workday to make room for film, education and community life. It is commonfor members to go from full-time to part-time in their jobs when they start at Super16.

Students pay an annual membership fee to attend Super16. The amount is agreed each year at the annual general meeting. Currently, the annual membership fee is DKK 2.000.

No. There are no formal educational requirements for admission to Super16. Admission to the programme is based solely on application and previous film work.

Daily life at Super16 can vary greatly and consists of everything from courses and work on annual productions to other association activities, such as the monthly joint meetings or tasks in the sub-groups or the board.

It is up to each class to find their own structure according to their needs and wishes, but courses and meetings are usually organised outside of regular working hours. There are also activities during the day, but these are usually planned well in advance. Courses and association work take up a lot of time at Super16, so it is recommended that you organise your life accordingly.

There is no formal residency requirement at Super16, but it is a membership obligation to actively participate in the association and to attend classes and association activities on a weekly basis in Valby, Copenhagen.