A film school run by the students.


20 min
Class #09
This movie is not available yet

Mary Kabufufu er lesbisk og asylansøger. Hun leder efter sin kæreste, som forsvandt under deres flugt fra Uganda. Til Marys sidste interview i Flygtningenævnet går det op for hende, at hun har overset en ledetråd, som måske kan føre hende til kæresten. Men hun ved stadig ikke, om hun får asyl. Mary Kabufufu is lesbian and asylum seeker. She is looking for her girlfriend, who disappeared during their escape from Uganda. During her last interview at the Refugee Board it dawns on her that she has overlooked a clue that might lead her to her girlfriend. But she still does not know if she can get asylum.

Ekstern intruktør
Ekstern intruktør
Ekstern intruktør
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Adils Krig

Adil har kun et brændende ønske: At blive genforenet med sin bror, der for længe siden drog i krig uden ham. Han erfarer dog hurtigt at alting har sin pris og Adil må tilsidesætte sin moral for at kunne udføre en række opgaver for en lyssky gruppe, som til gengæld vil opfylde hans ønske og sende ham ned til sin bror. Dagen oprinder og muligheden for at komme af sted opstår pludselig – men der venter dog en sidste opgave, der skal bevise hans værd som loyal og koldblodig soldat. Snart smuldrer Adils selvforståelse, og grænsen imellem ven og fjende synes at være mere utydelig end nogensinde før.

First-year film
Class #08
21 min
Adils Krig

Adil har kun et brændende ønske: At blive genforenet med sin bror, der for længe siden drog i krig uden ham. Han erfarer dog hurtigt at alting har sin pris og Adil må tilsidesætte sin moral for at kunne udføre en række opgaver for en lyssky gruppe, som til gengæld vil opfylde hans ønske og sende ham ned til sin bror. Dagen oprinder og muligheden for at komme af sted opstår pludselig – men der venter dog en sidste opgave, der skal bevise hans værd som loyal og koldblodig soldat. Snart smuldrer Adils selvforståelse, og grænsen imellem ven og fjende synes at være mere utydelig end nogensinde før.

Good Grief!

In this absurd dark-comedy, funerals are happy and joyful events celebrating the deceased. Ole's sister has just passed away after a long battle with cancer, which calls for the usual festivities. The only problem is Ole's deep sorrow and grief, which doesn't seem to fit the occasion.

Mid-term film
Class #12
21 min
Good Grief!

In this absurd dark-comedy, funerals are happy and joyful events celebrating the deceased. Ole's sister has just passed away after a long battle with cancer, which calls for the usual festivities. The only problem is Ole's deep sorrow and grief, which doesn't seem to fit the occasion.

Screened Off

Gustav lives with his parents and works at their pig farm. All of his spare time he uses in front of the computer. Here he is part of a closed, online chat room, where peers socialize and support each other, but also share grim content and challenges each other's limits. When Gustav is challenged to film himself committing a violent and obscene act, he suddenly finds himself in a dilemma: Because on the same day Daniel, the new employee who is the same age as Gustav, arrives. And for the first time in a long time, Gustav experiences a new opportunity and interest in making and maintaining a meaningful social relation to another person close to him.

Final film
Class #11
29 min
Screened Off

Gustav lives with his parents and works at their pig farm. All of his spare time he uses in front of the computer. Here he is part of a closed, online chat room, where peers socialize and support each other, but also share grim content and challenges each other's limits. When Gustav is challenged to film himself committing a violent and obscene act, he suddenly finds himself in a dilemma: Because on the same day Daniel, the new employee who is the same age as Gustav, arrives. And for the first time in a long time, Gustav experiences a new opportunity and interest in making and maintaining a meaningful social relation to another person close to him.

Nu Skal Vi More Os

Lucas fylder 18 år og det skal fejres i stor stil. Et stort diskotek er lejet, pigerne er på gæstelisten og Joey Moe kommer og spiller. Alt er parat til årets fest. Nu mangler han bare, at der kommer nogle gæster. Særligt én fylder hans tanker.

Mid-term film
Class #07
19 min
Nu Skal Vi More Os

Lucas fylder 18 år og det skal fejres i stor stil. Et stort diskotek er lejet, pigerne er på gæstelisten og Joey Moe kommer og spiller. Alt er parat til årets fest. Nu mangler han bare, at der kommer nogle gæster. Særligt én fylder hans tanker.

Dit navn skrevet i bølger

Karl and Andrea arrive at a summerhouse, they have rented for the weekend. At first the mood is good, but slowly the true agenda of the weekend starts to unveil. Andrea has been unfaithful to Karl, and the question is whether or not the young, vulnerable couple can overcome their personal insecurities and struggles and stay together.

First-year film
Class #11
24 min
Dit navn skrevet i bølger

Karl and Andrea arrive at a summerhouse, they have rented for the weekend. At first the mood is good, but slowly the true agenda of the weekend starts to unveil. Andrea has been unfaithful to Karl, and the question is whether or not the young, vulnerable couple can overcome their personal insecurities and struggles and stay together.

Glimt Af Mørke

Et barn er forsvundet fra et villakvarter. Mørke tanker slår rod, og en far bliver fremmed i sit eget hjem.

Final film
Class #02
36 min
Glimt Af Mørke

Et barn er forsvundet fra et villakvarter. Mørke tanker slår rod, og en far bliver fremmed i sit eget hjem.